Your university adventure starts next summer in Madrid!
Get ready to study at university in English with our innovative Summer School!
From 30 June to 25 July 2025
Spain Center for International Education (SpaCIE) launched the Pre-University Summer School (PreUni) in 2021. PreUni consists of the following courses, each of two weeks’ duration:
1) Skills course: Speaking and Writing Skills for Academic and Career Success (with a workload equivalent to 3 ECTS credits).
2) Academic content course: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Climate Change (with a workload equivalent to 3 ECTS credits).

If places are available, it may be possible to enroll in only one of the two courses, but priority will be given to students applying for both courses. In any case, it is strongly recommended to take the full program.

PreUni is a unique opportunity to broaden the horizons of students between the ages of 16 and 18 who are already thinking about their university studies by attending classes with world-class university professors. Students aged 15 who turn 16 in 2025 can also apply.

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Climate Change (MACC)
We invite you to embark on this life-changing journey to gain a new perspective on your future university studies, make new friends from all over the World, immerse yourself in University life, and discover something new about yourself! Join an exclusive two-week study program that offers a high-quality multidisciplinary course, taught in English by top professors of many disciplines (Art, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Economics, Engineering, Geography, Humanities, Law, Marketing, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology) and by the best professionals in the business world.
The MACC course targets students keen to gain academic enrichment not only in their future discipline, but in many other fields through a multidisciplinary approach to Climate Change. Moreover, in case you have not decided yet what you are going to study at university, our course will greatly help you to decide what you want to study.

Speaking and Writing Skills for Academic and Career Success (SWSACS)
The SWSACS course is a two-week study program, taught in English, where students will focus on important skills that they need to master to be successful university students, such as effective listening and reading, delivering presentations, and writing papers. Furthermore, students will also work in small teams to deliver a presentation to the wider group.

Common features of both courses of the Pre-University Summer School
You will take PreUni not only with peers like you, but also with international and Spanish university students. Additionally, the Program is complemented by academic visits and cultural and social events. Some of these events bring together students from our Program’s courses with other students from around the world attending other partners’ Summer Schools, creating a truly international environment.
PreUni will take place at University City of Madrid (Ciudad Universitaria). However, some classes may be held at another campus. Ciudad Universitaria is a university campus located in the Madrid neighborhood of the same name. It has had the status of cultural heritage since 1999, with the category of historical site. The campus is shared by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM, where our classes take place), the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), as well as other institutions.

Students who do not reside in Madrid may live on campus if they wish, in one of the many student residences nearby. However, please note that students under the age of 18 cannot be admitted without an accompanying adult. You will be able to enjoy full board and room at very reasonable prices, being 3 to 9 minutes walking distance from our classrooms, depending on the residence chosen. And you will be able to enjoy all kinds of complementary facilities, such as swimming pool, gym… depending on the residence chosen. In addition, the Campus is also within walking distance of everything you want to enjoy in the city, as well as the subway, parks… It’s great to enjoy Madrid!

Additional Benefits of the Pre-University Summer School
Studying in English on the UPM campus alongside some international and local university students and experiencing teaching from top university professors will also give you an insight into life and undergraduate study in an international university. This will help you adapt to your future university studies, whether in your own country or abroad. Likewise, if you decide to study in your own country, this experience will be very useful in your possible stays abroad as an exchange student, whether in the framework of the Erasmus+ program or another international program.
One of the main highlights is the opportunity to spend time with our fantastic student mentors. They are local university students. They will take the same courses than you and accompany students around the campus, on socials and visits. As a result, students will benefit from hearing first-hand about university life.

Interested in the Pre-University Summer School?
Then please refer to the description of our summer courses, where you can also download the program/syllabus of each course with all the details and the professors.
Want to apply?
Then find out how to apply.